32 Chapter 5 User Notes
5Clicking Sound
The Business Secure Router will click once every two minutes until an ADSL line is connected.
1Address Range Validation
In the firewall rules, the router does not confirm when given an address range, that the second address is higher than the first. If this type of address range is entered, the range is ignored.
2Automatic Firewall Programming
Configurations to various areas of the router, such as remote management or adding a SUA Server, do not automatically add the appropriate rules to the Firewall, to enable the traffic to pass through the router. These need to be added separately.
Note: Firewall rules do not apply to IPSec tunnels.
1Deleting NAT Rule Does Not Drop an Existing Connection
If a NAT rule is deleted, the router must be rebooted to apply the change to existing service connections. This is already noted in the GUI.
2NAT Traversal Status
If NAT Traversal is enabled, but is not needed (because the client is not behind a NAT router), it will be shown as 'inactive' in the VPN Client Monitor. This may confuse some users.
VPN Client Termination
1Change of User Account Does Not Drop Existing Connections