Customizing the ASEM Display 45
Note: Editing the protocols.properties file can have an adverse affect on the application. Ensure all changes to this file are intended before saving them.
3Save the changes made to the file. These changes are displayed the next time the application is started.
Altering the Default Browser
By default, ASEM uses Netscape as a web browser. This default can be changed to reflect personal preference or system configuration.
To change the default browser, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
1Open the dm_ui.properties file in a text editor. This file is located in <ASEM installation directory>/properties.
2Locate the line in the file that reads: #BrowserApp=netscape. This is located near the bottom of the file.
3Remove the number sign and replace netscape with the web browser to use. If the web browser is present in the system path, enter the name of the application. If it is not, enter the fully justified path to the application.
4Save the change made to the file. This change takes effect the next time the application is started.
Localization of ASEM
The ASEM display can be localized to work better with a
Note: This procedure requires the use of an external application, native2ascii.exe, that is part of the Sun Java Development Kit. The Sun JDK is freely available and can be downloaded from the Sun Java web site.
To localize the task, perform the following procedure:
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks