22Text conventions
Example: Protocols, IP identifies the IP command on the Protocols menu.
Braces ({ }) indicate required elements in syntax descriptions where more than one option is available. You must choose only one option. Do not type the braces when you enter the command.
Example: If the command syntax is
show ip {alertsroutes}, you must enter either show ip alerts or show ip routes, but not both.
Brackets ([ ]) indicate optional elements in syntax descriptions. Do not type the brackets when you enter the command.
Example: If the command syntax is
show ip interfaces
An ellipsis (...) indicates that you repeat the last element of the command as needed.
Example: If the command syntax is
ethernet/2/1 [ <parameter> <value> ]...,
you enter ethernet/2/1 and as many
Italic text
Italic text indicates book titles or new terms followed by a definition.
Example: Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 2500 Series Release Notes
Plain Courier text
Plain Courier text indicates system output, for example, prompts and system messages.
Example: Set Trap Monitor Filters
A separator ( , ) shows menu paths.
Example: Protocols , IP identifies the IP command on the Protocols menu.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 2500 Series
Documentation Roadmap
27 October 2008
Copyright © 2008 Nortel Networks