8.Stop conveyor by turning speed control to “O”. Turn off turning unit. Plug power cord of applier into control box on front of conveyor. (NOTE: Applier and turning unit will not receive power with switch on control box on front of conveyor in OFF position).
9.Raise or lower applier so that label is centered on container. Label web must always run to lower edge of peeler bar on this system, with edge of peeler bar clearing top of conveyor EDGE. DO NOT LOWER APPLIER TO THE POINT WHERE EDGE OF PEELER BAR IS RESTING ON TOP OF CONVEYOR EDGE.
10.Adjust peeler bar so that back side clears turning belt by no more than 1/8”.
11.Turn on master switch on applier, then turn on motor switch; one label will advance.
12.Product sensing micro switch is secured to edge of guide rail with arm extending through guide rail. Activating this switch by hand will cause applier to deliver a label. NOTE: Position label at end of peeler bar and adjust star wheel on applier so that 1/8” to 1/4” of label is extending beyond peeler bar edge when label is delivered and applier stops delivering a label. Trigger applier head with product sensing several times to allow web to track properly and to observe extension of label beyond peeler bar.
Turn on conveyor by speed control knob and adjust to just below maximum speed. Turn on turning unit. Speed control knob on applier should be set at approximately 65 on dial - - with turning unit at approximately the same setting.
With all systems running - - Place container on conveyor and
1.Point at which product switch activates relative to position of container. The ideal point of which the applier starts delivering the label is as the container contacts the center line of the first pulley of the turning unit and is encapsulated between the
turning unit belt and the rubber of the guide rail. Adjust the product sensing switch back or forward to achieve the best results. A little experimenting by the operator for the optimum position is in order. Triggering the applier too early or too late can result
2.Next in this procedure, observe that as the label is being dispensed and applied that the speed of the applier is not causing the label to be pulled by being too slow. (Speed up by speed control on applier), or is delivering the label too fast as to incur wrinkling of label on the container (slow applier by same procedure).