Raise Your Output to a New Standard
Setting New Expectations for Office Output
Common office output is just
User Mail Box Screen
Job Build Screen
Finishing Screen
Confidential Mail Boxes: The imageRUNNER 5000 supports the creation of up to 100 individual user Mail Boxes. Mail Boxes can be used to accept scanned and printed data, permitting users to easily combine paper and electronic information.
Scan-Once-Print-Many and Automatic Page
Orientation: Minimizes scanner wear and tear while rotating scanned pages to match cassette paper orientation.
Automatic Page Imposition: Automatically imposes pages in correct order for the creation of saddle- stitched booklets.
Copy Reservation: Allows users to store up to five copy jobs in memory while current copy or print jobs are being processed.
Job Build: Permits the building of jobs from disparate originals, easily integrating documents scanned through the document feeder with those placed directly on the glass.
Chapterization: Supports the creation of chapters when copying books and other materials requiring these types of separations.
Chapterization Screen