Apple 310 manual About This Note, What This Note Contains

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About This Note

The LaserWriter Select 310 printer is a new member of Apple’s LaserWriter printer family. It is an economical printer that supports the AdobePostScriptLevel 1 programming language. This developer note describes the features and capabilities of the printer, and it is intended for use by software and hardware developers.

To use this note, you need to understand the PostScript Level 1 programming language. You should also be familiar with the computer for which you intend to develop software.

You do not need to use this note if you are simply running packaged programs for your computer. However, it is useful if you are writing or modifying a program that is used with the LaserWriter Select 310 printer.

Your owner’s guide provides instructions for connecting the printer to your computer, inserting paper, and performing other routine operating tasks. This note does not provide that type of information.

This preface describes the contents of the note, explains visual cues and conventions used in the note, and lists other books to which you can refer.

What This Note Contains


This note is made up of three chapters.

Chapter 1, “LaserWriter Select 310 Hardware,” describes the hardware features of the LaserWriter Select 310 printer, including the built-in communications ports and interfaces.

Chapter 2, “LaserWriter Select 310 Software,” provides an overview of software features, including the PostScript Programming Language, the PostScript interpreter, LaserWriter Select 310 driver, and page types. It also describes the software parameters and the PostScript Level 1 operators that enable you to set up and configure the LaserWriter Select 310 printer. Finally, it discusses changes made to the PostScript language that impact the LaserWriter Select 310 printer.

Chapter 3, “Communication Channels,” describes the software support for serial and parallel communication channels.


Image 9
Contents Apple LaserWriter Select 310 Printer Limited Warranty on Media and Replacement Contents Page Communication Channels Page Figures and Tables Page What This Note Contains About This NoteOther Reference Material Conventions Used in This NoteApda For More InformationPage LaserWriter Select Hardware1 LaserWriter Select 310 Hardware ROM Serial Port for RS-232C Devices Communication Ports2An 8-pin serial port connector Centronics Parallel ConnectorPstrobe Signal Status Lights ROM Capability Memory CapabilitiesBatch Mode Basic OperationDram Expansion Types Interactive ModePaper Handling 7Paper handling options Page LaserWriter Select 310 Software Software Overview Adobe PostScript Programming LanguagePostScript Interpreter Types LaserWriter Select 310 DriverSelects the paper tray containing A4-size paper and sets Product Strings Software ParametersCommunication Device Parameters Compatibility OperatorsStatusdict Setting Compatibility Operators Device Checkpassword Setting System ParametersDefaulttimeouts IdlefontsProduct PrinternameProductA RamsizeSetdefaulttimeouts SetpasswordSetidlefonts Defaultmultipurposetraysize Setting Page Device ParametersDefaultpapertray SetprinternameManualfeed ManualfeedtimeoutMargins PagestackorderSetdefaultmultipurposepapertraysize PapersizePapertray Setdefaultpapertray SetdostartpageSetmargins Setpagestackorder SetpagetypeSetpapertray Jobtimeout Setting User ParametersSetjobtimeout JobnameSetting Device Parameters WaittimeoutSetsoftwareiomode Setting Communication Parameters SoftwareiomodePacketbackchannel Setpacketbackchannel SccbatchSetting Engine Device Parameters SetsccbatchDarkness Setdarkness Setting Extensions to PostScript LevelCurrentcacheparams CurrentpackingSetcacheparams PackedarraySetpacking Printer Error ParameterPostScript Language Changes PrintererrorPacked Arrays Packed Arrays Versus Ordinary ArraysCreating Packed Arrays Immediately Evaluated Names Changes in Font Cache Operation Device Resolution ImagesEnd-of-Line Recognition New Operators TrueType FontsCommunication Channels Baud Rates Serial CommunicationParity Settings Flow ControlDTR Flow Control XON/XOFF Flow Control SCC Operator EncodingSimple Communication Protocol Communication ProtocolsBinary Communication Protocol SOH CTL-A Parallel Interface Communicating with an IBM PCDTR Flow Control for PC Communication Serial InterfaceXON/XOFF Flow Control for PC Communication Communication DynamicsStatus Queries and Spontaneous Messages Errorerror OffendingCommand operator %%