hard drive description, 14, 19 preventing damage, 87 replacing, 86 system view, 14, 19
hardware drivers, 73
Hardware Troubleshooter, 78
help file accessing, 65
infrared sensor description, 13 system view, 13
Internet connection about, 21 options, 21 setting up, 21
IR sensor
See infrared sensor
IRQ conflicts, 78
keyboard description, 11 fixing problems, 46 shortcuts, 42 system view, 11 unexpected characters, 46
keyboard status lights description, 11 system view, 11
keypad numeric, 41
line conditioners, 26
memory adding, 81 removing, 82
memory module cover description, 19 system view, 19
Mini PCI card description, 19 installing, 83 system view, 19
modem description, 19 system view, 19
module bay about, 36 description, 15 swapping devices while the
computer is running, 38 swapping devices while the
computer is turned off, 37 system view, 15
fixing problems, 58
network connector description, 17 system view, 17
operating system reinstalling, 75
parallel connector description, 17 system view, 17
PC Card slot description, 12 system view, 12
PC Cards
fixing problems, 70
PC Restore, 75
fixing problems, 35
turning off your computer, 27
power button description, 9 system view, 9
printer cable, 23 connecting, 23 parallel, 24 setting up, 23 USB, 25