Customizing the Touch Pad
You can disable the touch pad or adjust their settings by using the Mouse Properties window.
1Click the Start button, click Control Panel, and then
2On the Mouse Properties window:
•Click the Device Select tab to disable the touch pad.
•Click the Pointer tab to adjust touch pad settings.
3Select the desired settings and click Apply.
4Click OK to save the settings and close the window.
Touch Pad or Mouse Problems
C H E C K T H E T O U C H P A D S E T T I N G S —
1 Click the Start button, click Control Panel, and then click Printers and Other Hardware. 2 Click Mouse.
3 Try adjusting the settings.
TO V E R I F Y T H A T T H E P R O B L E M I S W I T H T H E M O U S E , C H E C K T H E T O U C H P A D — 1 Shut down the computer (see "Turning Off Your Computer" on page 27).
2 Disconnect the mouse.
3 Turn on the computer.
4 At the Windows desktop, use the touch pad to move the cursor around, select an icon, and open it.
If the touch pad operates correctly, the mouse may be defective.
R E I N S T A L L T H E T O U C H P A D D R I V E R — See "Reinstalling Drivers and Utilities" on page 74.
External Keyboard Problems
C H E C K T H E K E Y B O A R D C A B L E — Shut down the computer (see "Turning Off Your Computer" on page 27). Disconnect the keyboard cable and check it for damage.
If you are using a keyboard extension cable, disconnect it and connect the keyboard directly to the computer.
C H E C K T H E E X T E R N A L K E Y B O A R D —
1 Turn off the computer, wait 1 minute, and turn it on again.
2 Verify that the numbers, capitals, and scroll lock lights on the keyboard blink during the boot routine.
3 From the Windows® desktop, click the Start button, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and click Notepad.
4 Type some characters on the external keyboard and verify that they appear on the display.
If you cannot verify these steps, you may have a defective external keyboard.
Using the Keyboard and Touch Pad