Heart Beat Signal
Wireless- G
Configuring the Router
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Wireless- G
Word definition
How to Use this Guide
Copyright and Trademarks
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Table of Contents
Appendix C Finding the MAC Address
Vonage Linksys
List of Figures
Wireless Security WEP
Wireless Network Access
39 Status Tab Local Network
What’s in this Guide?
Introduction What’s in this Guide?
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Ssid your wireless network’s name
Planning Your Wireless Network
Ad-Hoc versus Infrastructure Mode
Network Topology
Network Layout
Getting to Know the Router
Back Panel
Front Panel
Connecting the Router
Connection Instructions
Connect a PC
Configuring the Router
Applications & Gaming
How to Access the Web-based Utility
Internet Connection Type
Setup Tab Basic Setup
Internet Setup
Obtain an IP automatically
Static IP
Heart Beat Signal
Router IP
Network Setup
Optional Settings
Packet a unit of data sent over a network
Network Address Server Settings Dhcp
Setup Tab Ddns
Time Setting
Setup Tab MAC Address Clone
MAC Clone
Setup Tab Advanced Routing
Advanced Routing
13 Routing Table Entry List
Wireless Tab Basic Wireless Settings
Wireless Tab Wireless Security
15 Wireless Tab Wireless Security WPA Pre-Shared Key
16 Wireless Tab Wireless Security WPA Radius
Wireless Tab Wireless Network Access
18 Wireless Tab Wireless Network Access
Wireless Tab Advanced Wireless Settings
20 Advanced Wireless Settings
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Filter Port Range
Security Tab Filter
Filter IP Address Range
Filter MAC Address
Block WAN Requests
Internet requests
Security Tab VPN Passthrough
VPN Passthrough
Port Range Forwarding
Voice Tab
Applications & Gaming Tab Port Range Forwarding
Port Range
26 Applications & Gaming Tab Port Triggering
Forwarded Range
Applications & Gaming Tab UPnP Forwarding
UPnP Forwarding
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Applications & Gaming Tab DMZ
Applications & Gaming Tab QoS
Application-based QoS
Port-based QoS
Specific Port# fields
Voice QoS
Local Router Access
Administration Tab Management
Router Password
Remote Router Access
Backup and Restore
Administration Tab Log
Runs a networking device
Administration Tab Factory Defaults
Administration Tab Firmware Upgrade
Firmware with a newer version
Line1 Status
Status Tab Voice
Line2 Status
Status Tab Router
38 Status Tab Router
Status Tab Local Network
Local Network
Status Tab Wireless
Appendix a Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
For Windows 98 and Millennium
Need to set a static IP address on a PC
For Windows
For Windows XP
Want to test my Internet connection
For Windows XP
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Am not able to access the Router’s Web-based Utility Setup
Need to set up a server behind my Router
Application Start and End Protocol IP Address Enabled
Can’t get the Internet game, server, or application to work
Appendix a Troubleshooting Common Problems and Solutions
For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
To start over, I need to set the Router to factory default
My DSL service’s PPPoE is always disconnecting
For Netscape 4.7 or higher
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Go through this checklist until your problem is solved
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Network Address Translation and what is it used for?
How can I block corrupted FTP downloads?
Will the Router function in a Macintosh environment?
If all else fails in the installation, what can I do?
What is DMZ Hosting?
Which modems are compatible with the Router?
Is the Router cross-platform compatible?
How many ports can be simultaneously forwarded?
How can I check whether I have static or Dhcp IP addresses?
What Ieee 802.11b features are supported?
What is the Ieee 802.11b standard?
What is the Ieee 802.11g standard?
What is infrastructure mode?
What Ieee 802.11g features are supported?
What is ad-hoc mode?
What is roaming?
What is ISM band?
What is Spread Spectrum?
What is WPA?
What is DSSS? What is FHSS? And what are their differences?
What is WEP?
What is a MAC Address?
Have excellent signal strength, but I cannot see my network
How many channels/frequencies are available with the Router?
Appendix B Wireless Security
Security Precautions
Security Threats Facing Wireless Networks
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Figure C-1 IP Configuration Screen
Windows 98 or Me Instructions
Windows 2000 or XP Instructions
For the Router’s Web-based Utility
Network Neighborhood/My Network Places
Appendix D Windows Help
Shared Resources
Appendix D Windows Help
Appendix E Glossary
Appendix E Glossary
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Voice Protocol
Appendix F Specifications
UPnP able/cert Certified
Dimensions 32 x 1.89 x H x D
Appendix G Warranty Information
Limited Warranty
Appendix G Warranty Information
Appendix H Regulatory Information
FCC Statement
Safety Notices
Need to contact Vonage?
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