Instant Broadband Series
Frequently Asked Questions
How many IP addresses can the Cable/DSL Router support? The Router sup-
ports a maximum of 253 IP addresses.
Is IPSec
built-in feature that the Router automatically enables.
Where is the Cable/DSL Router installed on the network? In a typical environ- ment, the Router is installed between the Cable/DSL Modem and the LAN. Plug the Cable/DSL Router into the cable or DSL modem's Ethernet port.
Does the Cable/DSL Router support IPX or AppleTalk? No. TCP/IP is the only protocol standard for the Internet and has become the global standard for communications. IPX, a NetWare communications protocol used only to route messages from one node to another, and AppleTalk, a communications protocol used on Apple and Macintosh networks, can be used from LAN to LAN connections, but those protocols cannot connect from WAN to LAN.
Does the WAN connection of the Cable/DSL Router support 100Mbps Ethernet? Since broadband Internet connections like cable and DSL do not exceed 10Mbps, the Cable/DSL Router’s current hardware design only supports 10Mbps Ethernet on its WAN port. It does support 100Mbps through the
What is Network Address Translation (NAT) and what is it used for? Network Address Translation (NAT) translates multiple IP addresses on the private LAN to one public address that is sent out to the Internet. This adds a level of network security since the addresses of PCs connected to the private LAN is never transmitted over the Internet. Furthermore, NAT allows the Cable/DSL Router to be used with
Does the Cable/DSL Router support any operating system other than Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows NT? Yes, but Linksys does not
provide technical support for setup, configuration or troubleshooting of any
EtherFast Cable/DSL Routers
Does the Cable/DSL Router support ICQ send files? Yes, with the following fix: ICQ
How do I get Napster to work with the Router? Napster is fully compatible
with the Router and requires no special settings.
I set up an Unreal Tournament server, but others on the network cannot join. What do I do? If you are running a dedicated Unreal Tournament server, you must create a static IP address for each of the network’s PCs and forward ports 7777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, and 27900 to the IP address of the server. If you want to use the UT Server Admin, forward another port (8080 usually works well), then in the [UWeb.WebServer] section of the server.ini file, set the ListenPort to 8080 (to match the mapped port above) and ServerName to the IP assigned to the Router from your ISP.
Can multiple gamers on the LAN log on to one game server and play simultane- ously with just one public IP address? It depends on which network game you’re playing, and/or what kind of game server you are using. For exam- ple, Unreal Tournament does support
How do I get
One exception: Version won't let multiple PCs with the same CD key connect at the same time, even if they’re on the same LAN (not a prob- lem with Version For hosting games, the HL server does not need to be in the DMZ. Just forward port 27015 to the local IP of the server PC. There remains, however, a problem with people being booted after a few minutes with an "illegible server” message.
How can I block corrupted FTP downloads? If you are experiencing corrupted files when you download a file with your FTP client, try using another FTP program.
My Web pages hang (distorted), I get corrupted downloads, or nothing but junk characters are being displayed on the screen. What do I do? Force your NIC
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