AlphaGIGABIT Secure Wireless Router 8800
8.7 Web Filter:
The Web Filter options allows you to
The Web Filter section is where you add the Web site to be used for Access
Add/Edit Web Site:
?When the Enable checkbox is checked, entries in the Allowed Web Site List can be activated or deactivated with these new entries are activated by default.
?Enter the URL (address) of the Website that you want to allow. Enter the most inclusive domain name. Many websites construct pages with images and content from other sites. If you do not enable all of the web
sites used to construct a page access will be forbidden. For example, to access my.yahoo.com, you must enable access to yahoo.com, yimg.com, and doubleclick.net.
?ADD: click to save this information and continue.
Allowed Web Site List:
This section lists the currently allowed web sites. By toggling the Enable checkbox Allowed Web Site List can be enabled or disabled. To edit the entries click on the pencil icon. To delete the entries click on the trash can icon. If you have made any changes or deletions, click on Save Settings at the top of the page. If your configuration settings are complete, click Reboot the Device or click Continue. The router must reboot before new settings will take effect.
Version 1.0 | Page 45 |