Appendix A. Glossary
Forward Explicit Congestion Notification. Sent to the device receiving data from the frame relay net- work to indicate that there is congestion in the receive direction. The receiving DTE device should take action to slow down traffic from the remote end. Compare with BECN.
Frame Relay Access Device. Any equipment that provides a connection between a frame relay net- work and a LAN.
Frame Relay
A subset of the X.25 packet switching protocol that allows for efficient transmission of data by utiliz- ing many virtual circuits on a single physical interface.
Full Status Poll
A poll that occurs each N391 polls and reports the status of each PVC. During this poll the frame relay switch can also notify the user side of the UNI of any creation or deletion of frame relay PVCs.
Group of Four
The Frame Relay Consortium, composed of Cisco Systems, DEC, Nortel, and StrataCom, which defined an interface for the UNI.
High Level Data Link Control. A generic
Integrated Access Device. A network access device that provides many services from a single plat- form. ATLAS is an IAD.
Inverse Address Resolution Protocol. Used for resolving the protocol address when the hardware address is known.
Internet Control Message Protocol. Specified in
Internet Protocol. A protocol which provides for transmitting blocks of data between hosts identified by
See Annex A.
IntereXchange Carrier. Phone companies that connect LECs.
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