3Com 10014302 manual isdn spid service, Syntax, View, Parameter, Description, Example

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3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2

6.13 isdn spid service


isdn spid service [audio data speech]

undo isdn spid service


ISDN BRI interface view


audio: Supports audio service.

data: Supports data service.

speech: Supports voice service.


Using the isdn spid service command, you can configure the service types that must be supported in SPI negotiation on the BRI interface using NI protocol. Using the undo isdn spid service command, you can delete the service types that must be supported in SPI negotiation on the BRI interface using NI protocol.

There are three types of services. You can select any one or none. None means all services are supported. By default, SPID supports data and voice service simultaneously.

For BRI interfaces using National ISDN protocol, you need to negotiate or initialize a SPID before originating a call. During negotiation, SPCS may send multiple SPIDs, and carry the service types supported by the SPID, so the router needs to choose a proper SPID according to the local service type.

This command can only be applied on the BRI interface using NI protocol.


Set the service type supported by the BRI interface to data and voice.

[3Com-bri0] isdn spid service data [3Com-bri0/0] isdn spid service speech


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Contents Command Reference Guide Addendum for 3Com RouterPublished January Download the 3Com Router Configuration Guide from Download the Router 3000 Installation Guide fromDownload the Router 5000 Installation Guide from Download the 3Com Router Command Reference Guide fromView Chapter 1 CBQ Configuration Commands1.1 af Syntax1.2 car car cir rate cbs size ebs size conform action exceed actionundo car number 1.3 debugging qosdisplay qos cbq interface type number 1.4 display qos cbq interfacedisplay qos policy policy-name class class-name 1.5 display qos class1.6 display qos policy display qos class class-name3Com display qos policy display qos policy interface type number inbound outbound 1.7 display qos policy interfaceBehaviors Default Queue Flow Based Fair Queueing ef bandwidth bandwidth cbs size undo ef 1.8 efgts cir rate cbs size ebs size queue-length length undo gts 1.9 gts1.10 if-match acl if-match logic-not acl acl-numberundo if-match logic-not acl acl-number 1.11 if-match any access-list-number ACL numberif-match logic-not any undo if-match logic-not any 1.12 if-match class if-match logic-not class class-nameundo if-match logic-not class class-name if-match logic-not criteria undo if-match logic-not criteria 1.13 if-match criteriaif-match logic-not inbound-interface type number 1.14 if-match inbound-interface1.15 if-match ip-dscp number Interface number1.16 if-match ip-precedence if-match logic-not ip-precedence value value …undo if-match logic-not ip-precedence value value … 1.17 if-match mac-address if-match logic-not destination-mac source-mac mac-addressundo if-match logic-not destination-mac source-mac mac-address 1.18 if-match protocol if-match logic-not protocol ipundo if-match logic-not protocol ip undo qmtoken 1.19 if-match rtp1.20 qmtoken qmtoken token-number1.21 qos apply policy 1.22 qos class qos class logic-and logic-or class-nameundo qos class logic-and logic-or class-name qos max-bandwidth kilobits undo qos max-bandwidth 1.23 qos max-bandwidthqos policy policy-name undo qos policy policy-name 1.24 qos policyqos reserved-bandwidth pct percent undo qos reserved-bandwidth 1.25 qos reserved-bandwidthqueue-length queue-length undo queue-length queue-length 1.26 qos-class1.27 queue-length qos-class class-name undo qos-class class-nameremark ip-dscp value undo remark ip-dscp value 1.28 remark ip-dscpremark ip-precedence value undo remark ip-precedence value 1.29 remark ip-precedenceundo wfq 1.30 wfq1.31 wred wfq queue-number total-queue-numberundo wred ip-dscp dscp-value 1.32 wred ip-dscpundo wred ip-dscp ip-precedence discard-probExample undo wred ip-precedence value 1.33 wred ip-precedencewred weighting-constant exponent undo wred weighting-constant 1.34 wred weighting-constantChapter 2 TACACS+ Configuration Commands 2.1 debugging hwtacacsinterface-type interface-number Interface name and number 2.2 display hwtacacs accounting Example 2.3 display hwtacacs server 2.4 domain For a related command, see reset hwtacacs server statisticsdomain undo domain 2.5 host Description Warning Reach the max limited of server in one template 2.6 hwtacacs-server template reset hwtacacs server statistics 2.7 reset hwtacacs accounting statistics2.8 reset hwtacacs server statistics reset hwtacacs accounting statisticsshared-key key-string 2.9 shared-keyundo source-ip 2.10 source-ip2.11 timer quiet debugging rsa undo debugging rsa Chapter 3 SSH Configuration Commands3.1 debugging rsa 3.2 debugging ssh serverdisplay rsa local-key-pair public 3.3 display rsa local-key-pair public3Com display rsa local-key-pair public display rsa peer-public-key brief name keyname 3.4 display rsa peer-public-keydisplay ssh server status session 3.5 display ssh serverhex hex-data 3.6 display ssh user-information3.7 hex display ssh user-information usernameD6C54A36 kill ssh all userID userid 3.8 kill sshprotocol inbound ssh telnet numbers acl acl-number 3.9 protocol inboundpublic-key-code begin 3.10 public-key-code beginpublic-key-code end 3.11 public-key-code endrsa local-key-pair create 3.12 rsa local-key-pair creatersa local-key-pair destroy 3.13 rsa local-key-pair destroyrsa peer-public-key key-name undo rsa peer-public-key key-name 3.14 rsa peer-public-key3.15 ssh server authentication-retries ssh server authentication-retries timesundo ssh server authentication-retries ssh server rekey-interval hours undo ssh server rekey-interval 3.17 ssh server timeout3.16 ssh server rekey-interval ssh server timeout seconds undo ssh server timeout3.18 ssh user username assign rsa-key ssh user username assign rsa-key keynameundo ssh user username assign rsa-key 3.19 ssh user authentication-type ssh user username authentication-type password RSA allundo ssh user username authentication-type password RSA all 3Com ssh user smith authentication-type password 4.1 debugging ntp-service Chapter 4 NTP Configuration Commandsdisplay ntp-service sessions verbose 4.2 display ntp-service sessionsdisplay ntp-service status 4.3 display ntp-service statusdisplay ntp-service trace 4.4 display ntp-service trace4.5 ntp-service access ntp-service access query synchronization server peer acl-numberundo ntp-service access query synchronization server peer undo ntp-service authentication enable 4.6 ntp-service authentication enable4.7 ntp-service authentication-keyid ntp-service authentication enablentp-service broadcast-client undo ntp-service broadcast-client 4.8 ntp-service broadcast-client4.9 ntp-service broadcast-server undo ntp-service max-dynamic-sessions 4.10 ntp-service max-dynamic-sessions4.11 ntp-service multicast-client ntp-service max-dynamic-sessions numberundo ntp-service multicast-server 4.12 ntp-service multicast-server4.13 ntp-service refclock-master 4.14 ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid numberundo ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid number undo ntp-service source-interface 4.15 ntp-service source-interface4.17 ntp-service unicast-peer 4.16 ntp-service source-interface disableundo ntp-service unicast-peer undo ntp-service unicast-server 4.18 ntp-service unicast-server3Com ntp-service unicast-server version debugging x25 x2t all event packet Chapter 5 X2T Configuration Commands5.1 debugging x25 x2t 5.2 display x25 x2t routetranslate ip ip-address port port-number x25 x.121-address 5.3 display x25 x2t switch-table5.4 translate ip display x25 x2t switch-tableundo translate ip ip-address port port-number 5.5 translateRoutertranslate x25 12322 ip port 6.1 isdn ignore callednum Chapter 6 Additional ISDN Configuration Commands3Com-E1-0 interface serial 215 3Com-serial215 isdn ignore callednum 6.2 isdn ignore hlc6.4 isdn waitconnectack 6.3 isdn ignore llcParameter 6.5 display isdn spidSyntax ViewExample 6.6 isdn ignore dchan6.7 isdn protocol-type undo isdn q931-timer timer-name all 6.8 isdn q931-timer6.9 isdn spid auto-trigger 6.10 isdn spid nit 6.11 isdn spid timer 6.12 isdn spid resend 6.13 isdn spid service 3Com-bri0 isdn spid service data 3Com-bri0/0 isdn spid service speechExample 6.15 isdn spid2 6.14 isdn spid13Com-bri0 isdn spid2