Professional Dictation

6. Backup of dictations via dictation management software
There is a backup function which can be activated in the Olympus dictation management software, which is doing a security backup of each dictation. To limit the memory requirement, an optional automatic erase logic can be activated (e.g. erase dictations automatically after 7 days).
7. Security through ease of use
Olympus dictation devices and software have very good ergonomics. By individually definable menus (central administration) operating errors are eliminated as far as possible. The dictator can only see and adjust what he is also allowed to see and adjust.

8. Security by IT environment: Thin-Clients
Olympus supports via specially developed drivers, integrations and cooperations with
Thin Clients offer several advantages: Beside low acquisition- and maintenance costs vs. Fat Clients a high data security and data integrity is ensured because the dictations are not saved locally anymore.
Note: PC access is controlled by the user (hard disk - operating
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