Controls and Features
Mark Locations
The Mark Location feature allows you to mark any location for future reference. Once marked, the 9500ci will provide an alert, accompanied by the label you assigned to it, on the display.
There are (4) different labels you can use when marking a location: Speed Trap (“SPDTRAP”), Speed Camera (“SPDCAM”), red light camera (“REDLIGHT”) and other (“OTHER”).
To mark a location, simply press the “MRK” button. The display will show “MARK?”, accompanied by a voice message. Press the “MRK” button again, and the labels appear, starting with “SPDTRAP”. If this is not the label you want to use, simply press the “MUTE” button to scroll through the other options. Once you reached the label you want, simply press the “MRK” button once more to confirm. The word “MARKED” will appear on the display, accompanied by a voice prompt confirming you have marked and labeled this location.
Once marked, the PASSPORT 9500ci will provide an alert before you reach this area the next time.
NOTE: You must drive out of the marked area before the mark location alert will work.
The warning distance for each label is: Speed Trap =
.3 miles, or approximately 1,584 feet. Speed Camera =
500’ when traveling below 55mph, or 1000’ above 55mph
Red Light Camera =
Other =
500’ when traveling below 55mph, or 1000’ above 55mph
GPS must be on in Preferences.
Example of a Mark Location labeled “Other.”
Safety Camera
Your 9500ci comes
AutoLearn/Auto UnLearn
(X and
AutoLearn constantly analyzes all incoming signals as you drive. If the same signal is detected at the same location approximately (3) three times, the 9500ci will automatically lock it out as a false alarm. Once this signal has been locked out, no alert will be given at this location unless it’s a new or different signal. Once a signal has been locked out and stored in memory, the 9500ci will also automatically unlock a signal if it is not present the next time you pass that location. This reduces the chances of locking out a real threat.
Locking Out False Alarms
To lock out a known false alarm, (X and K- band radar, and Laser) simply press the Mute button on the controller (3) three times during the false alert.
NOTE: It is important to visually look around to make certain no traffic radar is present before locking out a signal.
The first time you press the Mute button, the audio will mute. The second time the display will show “Lockout?” accompanied by a voice prompt asking if you want to lockout this signal. The third time you press the Mute button, the location and frequency of that signal is stored in memory. The display will show “Stored” to acknowledge the information has been captured.
Audible Alerts
For Radar signals:
The 9500ci uses a
POP = full
Laser = rapid fire beeping
SWS = double buzz
At low speeds, (below 20 mph) radar alerts will be reduced to a
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