Glossary 94
Color Wheel
A representation of colors and their complements.
Complementary Colors
Red, green, and blue can be thought of as complementary colors to cyan, magenta, and yellow. These colors cancel each other out when combined in equal amounts. Similarly, adding a small amount of one color reduces its complement by that amount.
Contrast refers to the difference between the lightest light and the darkest dark in the image. A low contrast value indicates that the difference between dark shades and light shades is not very great. A high value indicates a great difference between dark and light shades. While brightness refers to the intensity of tones in an image, contrast refers to the range and number of tones in an image.
The action of selecting part of an image. The Crop tool on the main ScanGear
Curve Chart
The graph displayed in the Tone tab settings for the Auto Tone, Contrast/ Brightness, Gamma, Histogram, and Special Tone Curves features. This graph describes the relationship between the color characteristics of the previewed image and the available feature settings.
Curve File
A file containing Special Tone Curve settings. (Tone tab - Special Tone Curves)
Custom Curves
Custom Resolutions
The Custom Resolutions dialog box lets you create a scan resolution not found in the preset list, but supported by the input device.
The preset factory settings on hardware or software.