MultiBoot (Advanced Users Only)
Setting the MultiBoot Express Prompt
To set the notebook to display the MultiBoot startup location menu each time it is started or restarted:
1.Restart the notebook, then press F10 while the F10 = ROM Based Setup message is displayed in the lower left of the screen.
❏To change the language, press F2.
❏For navigation instructions, press F1.
2.Use the arrow keys to select Advanced > Boot Options, then press enter.
3.In the Express Boot Popup Delay (Sec) field, select the amount of time in seconds that you want the notebook to display the startup location menu before it defaults to the current MultiBoot setting. (When 0 is selected, the Express Boot startup location menu does not display.)
4.To save your preference and exit Computer Setup, use the arrow keys to select File > Save Changes and Exit, then follow the instructions on the screen.
Your preference is set as you exit Computer Setup and is in effect when the notebook restarts.
Responding to the MultiBoot Express Prompt
When the Express Boot Menu displays during startup:
■To specify a startup location from the Express Boot menu, select your preference within the timeout, then press enter.
■To prevent the notebook from defaulting to the current MultiBoot setting, press any key within the timeout. The notebook will not start up until you select a startup location and press enter.
■To allow the notebook to start up according to the current MultiBoot setting, wait for the timeout to expire.
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