The following abbreviations are used in the book:
AM | active matrix |
DRAM | dynamic random access memory |
FSTN | film super twist nematic |
I/O | input/output |
K | 1024 |
LCD | liquid crystal display |
mA | milliampere |
MB | megabyte |
Mbit | megabit |
MHz | megaherz |
mm | millimeter |
ms | millisecond |
∝s | microsecond |
ns | nanosecond |
RAM | |
RMS | root mean square |
SCC | serial communication controller |
SCSI | small computer system interface |
VRAM | video RAM |
V | volts |
When unusual abbreviations appear in this developer note, the corresponding terms are also spelled out. Standard units of measure and other widely used abbreviations are not spelled out.
A distinction is made between boards and cards. Boards are a permanent part of the computer or expansion device. Cards may be inserted into the system and can be added or exchanged.
Other Reference Material
Related documentation includes:
■Macintosh Developer Notes, Number 2, Macintosh Duo System, APDA publication number R0457LL/A
■Guide to the Macintosh Family Hardware, second edition
■Designing Cards and Drivers for the Macintosh Family, third edition
■Inside Macintosh, Volumes I through VI
■Macintosh Classic II, Macintosh PowerBook Family, and Macintosh Quadra Family Developer Notes, APDA publication number R0I43LL/A.