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| Read first ! |
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| Important safety informations ! |
| The light flash with arrowhead symbol, within | Caution : To prenvent yhe risk of electric | The exclamation point within an equilateral | ||
| an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the | shock, do not remove cover (or back). No | triangle is intented to alert the user to | ||
| user to the presence of uninsulated «dangerous | the presence of important operating and | |||
voltage» within the product’s enclosure that may |
| qualified service personnel. | maintenance (servicing) instructions in the | ||
be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of |
| literature accompanying the appliance. | |
| electric shock to persons. |
1. | Please read the instructions. | 13. You must unplug the appliance when there is | 18. An external aerial must always be kept away | ||
2. | You must keep these instructions. | a storm or if it is not being used for long periods | from high voltage wires or electric circuits. It must | ||
3. | You must also read the warnings. | of time. | also be kept away from | ||
4. | Always follow all the instructions. | 14. Any service work must be done by qualified | places where it could fall on high voltage wires | ||
5. | Do not use this appliance near water. | persons. Servicing is imperative after any damage | or an electric circuit. When installing an external | ||
6. | When cleaning, use a dry cloth only. | such as damage of the cable or the supply pin, | aerial, please remember to avoid any contact | ||
7. | Do not block any ventilation openings. Always | spilling of liquid, inserting objects inside the | with such circuits, as there may be a risk of lethal | ||
follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how | appliance, exposure to rain or damp, bad operation | danger. | |||
install the appliance. | or if the appliance should fall. | 19. Do not overload wall plugs, electric extensions | |||
8. | Do not place the appliance near a heat source | 15. Do not take any risks; do not use accessories | or multi plugs. Failing to do so may result in risks | ||
such as a heater, a cooker, a heating element or | that are not recommended by the manufacturer. | of fires and electric shocks. | |||
any other appliances (including amplifiers) that | 16. This appliance must be connected to the | 20. You must not insert any kind of object in | |||
release heat. | correct mains supply only, as indicated on the label | the ventilation openings of the appliance. Any | |||
9. | Always carefully follow the safety instructions | of the appliance. If you have any doubt on the | kind of object could then be in contact with high | ||
for the mains supply cord. The cord is made of | type of the mains supply of your electricity, you | voltage components or lead to a | |||
two strips; one is wider than the other one. An | must seek advice from the supplier of the product | ultimately lead to a risk of fire or an electric shock. | |||
earth cord is made of two strips, plus one for the | or the supplier of electricity. For appliances | Do not spill any liquid on the appliance. | |||
earth connection. The wider strip or the third one | supplied by a battery or any other supply, please | 21. Do not attempt to repair the appliance | |||
is there for safety purposes. If the mains supply | follow the manual’s instructions. | yourself. When opening this appliance you may be | |||
cord does not fit your mains supply plug, you | 17. If an external aerial or a cable network is | exposed to hazardous tensions and other risks. For | |||
must seek advice from an electrician and have the | connected to your appliance, you must make sure | all interventions you must see a qualified person. | |||
obsolete plug replaced. | that the aerial or cable are connected to the earth | 22. When it is necessary to replace components, | |||
10. Make sure that the supply cable cannot be | to guarantee protection against electrical surge and | please make sure that the technician uses the | |||
tread on, squashed or pinched. Please act carefully | also the effects of static electricity. The information | components recommended by the manufacturer | |||
with the supply pin and the connection between | regarding the way of correctly connecting the | or make sure that the components used have the | |||
the cord and the appliance. | pole to the earth, as well as the cable of the aerial, | same characteristics as the genuine ones. Using | |||
11. Only use the accessories recommended by the | the section of the conducers, the position of the | components that are not genuine may result in | |||
manufacturer. | system of discharged, the connection, and the | risks of fire, electric shocks or other risks. | |||
12. Only use the lifting accessories, stands, | specifications of the electrode of the earth are | 23. After any service or repair, you must ask the | |||
tripods, trolleys or tables recommended by the | contained in the Article 810 of the National | technician to test the appliance to make sure it is | |||
manufacturer or use only those sold with the | Electrique, ANSI/NFPA 70. | safe to use. | |||
appliance. When using a trolley, you must be |
| 24. The appliance must not be wall- mounted | |
very careful when moving the appliance with this |
| nor mounted on a ceiling unless it is specified by | |
device in order to avoid any injuries that could be |
| the manufacturer and according to the wires of | |
caused if it were to tip over. |
| the aerial. | |