F8x86_64 on the Acer Ferrari 3400LMi
Appendix C – dunbind.sh
#Available at http://ferrari.databa.se/3400/f8/dunbind.sh
#A verbose sample script for finding the Dial Up Networking
#channel on a Bluetooth device and binding a /dev/rfcomm port to it.
#By SvenGöran Bergh, 20051103
#Update 20070403 Added release of passive/closed rfcomm port.
#Use this /dev/rfcomm port RFPORT=1
#Name of Bluetooth device to bind to: BTNAME="SGs P900"
success() {
echo e $"\\033[60G[ \\033[1;32mOK\\033[0;39m ]" return 0
failure() {
echo e $"\\033[60G[\\033[1;31mFAILED\\033[0;39m]" exit 1
#Check that local Bluetooth device is active echo n $"Checking for local Bluetooth device..." hciconfig grep 'UP RUNNING' &> /dev/null \
&&success failure
#If the rfcomm port exists but is currently not in use, try to release
if [ "`rfcomm show ${RFPORT} 2> /dev/null awk '{print $5}'`" == "closed" ];
echo n $"Trying to free closed port /dev/rfcomm${RFPORT}..."
rfcomm release ${RFPORT} &> /dev/null \ && success failure
# Check if the rfcomm port is free
echo n $"Checking that /dev/rfcomm${RFPORT} is free..." rfcomm show ${RFPORT} &> /dev/null \
&&failure success
#Check for the remote Bluetooth device