When6XSSO\SHO6XSSO\T,&38the +5V from the voltage regulator is connected to board VCC. This jumper must be removed when using an external +5V power supply to avoid current flowing backIRUto the regulator.
When SHORT, the VCC is connected to CPU’s VCC pins. Before removing this jumper, remove the J3 (AVCC to CPU) jumper as well to completely disconnect the power from
the CPU. | IRU&38 |
When SHORT,*URXQGboard’s VCC is connected to CPU’s AVcc pin.
When SHORT, board’s GND is connectedIRU&38to CPU’s AGND pin.
When SHORT, board’s VCC is connected to CPU’s AVR+ pin. When removed, the voltage$QDORJat the5HIHUHQFH9ROWDJHAVR+ pin is set to4VIRU
When SHORT, board’s GND is connected to CPU’s AVR- pin. When removed, the
These jumpers select, which of the two UART0, UART1 interfaces signals will be connected to the pins of the K7 connector. If all of these jumpers are in
Default setting: the UART1 signals are connected to the K7.
Note: The J7 jumper selects between SCK1 and SCK0, J8 between SIN1 and SIN0 and J9 between SOT1 and SOT0
Warning: if you want to use the K7 connector when Mainboard is connected to the CPU board, you have to disconnect the selected serial interface (UART0 or UART1) from the RS232 drivers on the Mainboard. To achieve this, remove jumpers on positions