Headers or footers are not printed out even though they are viewed on PC screen.
User Check
Most laser printers have a restricted area that cannot be printed on. Usually the first two lines and last two lines of text cannot print (leaving 62 printable lines). Adjust the top and bottom margins in your document to allow for this.
The printer prints the first couple of pages correctly, then some pages have text missing.
User Check
(For connecting by RS-232C/422A on HL-1250 only)
A problem related to serial interface setting. The PC is not recognizing the printer’s input buffer full signal. Causes could be incorrect serial cable (incorrectly wired or too long) or incorrect setting of the computer serial interface.
The printer sometimes prints a couple of characters and then ejects the page.
User Check
(For DOS environment only)
The application printer emulation setting and the printer’s emulation do not match. Check in the application software which printer you have selected to make sure the printer is set up correctly. Remember that the printer emulates widely used printer selections:
Try setting the printer into HP emulation and then select the HP LaserJet IIP (for