1.Clean the primary corona wire inside the drum unit by gently sliding the tab from right to left several times.
2.Return the tab and snap it into the Home position.
3.Reinstall the drum unit into the machine.
4.Close the front cover.
5.Plug in the power cord first, and then plug in the telephone cord.
•Can I confirm that the FAX was sent correctly ?
You can use the Transmission Verification Report as confirmation that you sent a fax. This report lists the name or fax number of the receiving party, the time and date of transmission and if the transmission was successful.
•How can I send from the PC to the FAX machine using PC FAX function?
Create a file in Word, Excel, Paint, Draw, or any other application on your PC.
From the File menu, select Print. The Print dialog box will appear.
Select Brother
•How do I send a fax to more than one fax number?
Broadcasting is automatically sending the same fax message to multiple fax numbers.
Using the Broadcast key, you can include Groups, One Touch locations, Speed Dial locations, plus up to 50 manually dialed numbers.
•How can I make multiple copies?
You can make multiple copies using the ADF (automatic document feeder) or the Scanner Glass. Multiple copies can be stacked or sorted.