Wireless-G Range Expander
Encryption - Encoding data transmitted in a network.
Firmware - The programming code that runs a networking device.
Gateway - A device that interconnects networks with different, incompatible communications protocols. Hardware - The physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other information technology devices.
IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - An independent institute that develops networking standards.
Infrastructure - A wireless network that is bridged to a wired network via an access point. IP (Internet Protocol) - A protocol used to send data over a network.
IP Address - The address used to identify a computer or device on a network.
ISM band - Radio bandwidth utilized in wireless transmissions.
MAC (Media Access Control) Address - The unique address that a manufacturer assigns to each networking device.
Network - A series of computers or devices connected for the purpose of data sharing, storage, and/or transmission between users.
Node - A network junction or connection point, typically a computer or work station.
Packet - A unit of data sent over a network.
Passphrase - Used much like a password, a passphrase simplifies the WEP encryption process by automatically generating the WEP encryption keys for Linksys products.
Port - The connection point on a computer or networking device used for plugging in cables or adapters.
RADIUS (Remote Authentication
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