Making Phone Calls
•To erase an entry:
(1)At the “Edit Entry?” screen, press or once, then select “Ok”.
(2)Press or to scroll to the desired entry, then select “Ok”.
(3)At the “Erase?” screen, select “Yes”.
4.Select “Exit” to close the Private ID List Edit screen.
Quickstore of Phone Numbers
You can use Quickstore to store the last number that you dialed without having to enter the programming menu.
If the last number that you dialed is not currently stored in your Phone Call list, the “Store” option will be available.
To use Phone Number Quickstore, from the Phone Ready screen:
1. Press to see the last number you dialed.
Phone Ready
2.Select “Store”. The “Enter Name”
screen displays.
Phone Ready 0=5554455
3.Enter the name, then select “Store”.
Enter Name
The combined name and number entry is stored in the first available storage space.
JOHN 5551212 Stored