11.Once completed, and you Apply your changes, the following screen will appear. Enter the Username and Password to apply the changes.
The default values are:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Note: The 54 Mbps Wireless Ethernet Adapter can be adjusted manually by accessing it from any browser.
Starting the Web Interface
Once the Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Ethernet Adapter Configuration Utility has finished and the Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Ethernet Adapter is available for configuration in the network, configure it by using any Web Browser.
1.Launch the Web Browser and type the following address in the Address Field http:\\ , press Enter to continue.
2.You will be asked to enter a Username and Password. Enter the Username and Password as listed below. Press Enter to continue.
Default Username: admin
Default Password: admin
14 Actiontec 54Mbps Wireless Ethernet Adapter User Manual