GT-80D QuadraDrivetm

* * * Please refer to the illustration on page 4. * * *
18:HIGH: Adjust the Clean Channel’s high frequency output with this control: in the center position the high fre- quency output will be “flat” (no boost or cut). Turning the control to the left reduces the high frequency output; turn- ing it to the right increases the high frequency output. The High control covers a range of 30dB at 10kHz, which allows you to adjust the crispness or the “bite” of your guitar.
19:CLEAN LED: This LED glows green when the Clean Channel is chosen, and along with LED #9, gives you a visual sign that the Clean gains, tone controls and volume control are active.
20:VOLUME: Adjust the output level of the Clean Channel with this control: in the
The Digital Sound Processor (DSP):
Given below is a brief description of the Digital Sound Processor’s controls. For complete infor- mation on the use and functions of the Digital Sound Processor, please see pages 8 through 11.
21:LED: This LED indicator glows when the Digital Sound Processor is active, indicating the presence of a processed signal.
22:MODE: Select the type of digital sound processing effect with this control. Each preamp and channel setting will “remember” its setting, allowing you to switch between channels and preamps (Tube/Solid State) without hav- ing to reset the Mode control. For a complete listing of the different effects and their corresponding settings, see “Using the Mode Control” on page 8.
23:LEVEL: Adjust the amount of digital sound processing effect with this control: in the
24:ON LED: The word “ON” will glow red when you turn the
25:POWER: This