SoundMax SM-CDM1042 instruction manual CD 3 CD 3 , , CD

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Contents SM-CDM1042 Table of contents Important safeguards Mark polarity of the speaker wires Installation/ConnectionsRemove the old unit from the dashboard Page Page Page Connection scheme Name Pcs AccessoriesFront panel Panel controlsInner panel Remote Controller RC Changing the battery Volume control Power buttonAudio settings adjustment General operationsLoud ON/OFF Mute ON/OFF Mode selectionInformation display Reset functionCase of receiving a non RDS station Radio operations Auto store Auto store/Preset scanUsing PTY to Select Program Setting RDS modeRDS function Regional Program OperationPI, PS, TP, TA, AF, EON Listening to Traffic AnnouncementCD/MP3/WMA operations Repeat track Serial number of track search modeRandom playback Playing the 10 tracks up or downFolder name search mode Folders/Files Navigate search modeFile name search mode ID3 information of MP3 file Aux In Operations Mixed-CD OperationsSD/MMC Card Operations USB/SD/MMC notes USB Device OperationsPage MP3 overview Pairing Bluetooth FunctionConnect/disconnect 2.1 Connect Dial callCall Transfer Accept/Reject/End call 4.1 Accept callCaller ID Edit preset number list Bluetooth menu wizardVoice dialing function Adjust the bluetooth speaker volumeAnti-theft system ESP functionHandling compact discs Cleaning the cabinet CleaningCleaning discs Symptom Cause Solution Troubleshooting guideGeneral SpecificationFM stereo radio MW SectionBluetooth Дтт Т тт Тт т т д д Page Page Open Page M5 T 3,5 ISO 5X5 5X25 M5 5X29,3 Page Open SD/MMC Eject Reset Дтг CR 2025 Power Mask « » RDS т Тт т RDS AF AF Тт 2 AMS RDS RDSPTY TA г дг д EON Enhanced Other Networks EON Гд д CD/MP3/WMA дCD/MP3/WMA MP3 WMA д 10 тPage ID3 MP3 SD/MMC т AUXUSB/SD/MMC USB тPage CD-R CD-RW, д MP3 CD-R MP3 CD-R CD-RW 16 . ID3TAG Bluetooth Bluetooth Page Гт bluetooth ESP CD 3 CD 3 , , CD Page Дт т т Page MW д FM дГт д Тт гт т д-гтт Дтг д Гт т т