External Input
The HDMI Size option can only be selected in the External Input menu when an HDMI 480p picture signal is being input to the HDMI terminal. This option adjusts the position when an HDMI or DVI 480p picture signal is being displayed on the screen. There are two types of HDMI 480p picture signals: 640x480 and 720x480. If the displayed picture is slightly shifted, the position can be adjusted by selecting Auto, Size1 or Size2.
| Press the MENU button |
π† | To "External Input" |
è | To enter |
π† | To "HDMI Size" |
è | To enter |
π† | To select "Auto", "Size1" or "Size2" |
| Press the MENU button to finish |
Notes: |
| E x t e r n a l I n p u t |
| |
| H D M I S i z e |
| A u t o |
| V i d e o - 1 A u d i o |
| A u t o |
| |
| V i d e o I n p u t L a b e l |
| |
| |
| Select | Operate | Back Back | Menu Exit |
•The HDMI Size menu can only be selected when an HDMI or DVI 480p picture signal is input to the HDMI terminal and the picture is being displayed on the screen.
•You can select "Auto" only when the signal is 480p for HDMI. When you select "Auto", the television will select "Size1" or "Size2" automatically.
Video-1 Audio
This feature is used if you have a DVI or HDMI compatible component connected to your TV.
| Press the MENU button |
π† | To "External Input" |
è | To enter |
π† | To |
è | To select "Analog", "Digital" or "Auto" |
| Press the Menu button when finished |
| E x t e r n a l I n p u t |
| H D M I S i z e | A u t o |
| V i d e o - 1 A u d i o | A u t o |
| V i d e o I n p u t L a b e l |
Notes: | Select | Operate | Back Back | Menu Exit |
•If your DVI or HDMI component is capable of digital audio and video, choose "Digital". If your DVI or HDMI
component is capable of analog audio and digital video, choose "Analog".
•Refer to your DVI or HDMI component’s instruction manual for more information.
•When you select "Auto", the television will select "Analog" or "Digital" automatically, depending on the audio input from the HDMI.