Hitachi L47VP01U manual Timers, Language, Display the Main Menu by pressing the button

Page 19

There you can set/reset locking for the Main Menu, or the Installation Menu to restrict access. If the menu lock is disabled, there will be free access to the menu system. Also in this menu you can change the lock key and set/change parental lock mode.

Disabled: All menus are unlocked.

Main Menu: Main menu is accessible only with the correct lock key. So the user cannot add, delete, re- name, move channels, cannot set timers.

Installation: Installation menu is locked, so the user cannot add channels.

Changes will be updated after exiting Configuration Menu.


You can set a timer to switch the TV to any channel without your intervention. This is also for making video recordings of programmes when you are out.

Display the Main Menu by pressing the button.

Highlight the Timers line by pressing or button and press the OK￿￿￿button￿￿￿￿￿￿to￿￿display the Timer menu.

￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Up to five separate timer events can be set and each is displayed in the Timer screen, showing the event number, the channel to be selected, the start time, end time, date and the mode - whether that event is active

(and&￿%$￿￿￿￿￿""￿￿#￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿!￿will￿￿''￿￿￿￿￿￿￿be acted on) or not￿￿￿￿￿. ￿￿￿




• To set an event, highlight its mode button using the

or button and press the OK button to display the timer entry￿￿￿￿￿window. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Here the five settings of channel name, start time, end time, date and frequency mode can be set. You can move freely between each setting using the or buttons.

The channel name is set using the or button to display the channel which broadcasts the programme.

The start time, end time and date are each set with the digit buttons on the remote control in 24-hour for- mat.

The frequency mode determines how often the receiver operates this event and is set with the or button to be either Once, Daily, or Weekly.

If an invalid number for the start or end times or the date is entered, “Entered time is not valid” message appears on the menu.

If timer action occurs while the TV is watched, the TV switches to the selected channel. When timer ex- pires, the TV switches to the channel which it is switched from.

Selected digital channel will be output via Scart-2. You should connect your VCR to Scart-2 for record- ing digital broadcast.


Connect your VCR to AV-2 via a scart lead.

Set the AV-2 OUT in the feature menu to DDT, as illustrated and described on page 27.

Set the time as described above.

Set your TV to standby using the remote control.Set your VCR to correspond with the time set on your TV and select external input (refer to your VCR instruc- tion book).

NB. If you switch on your TV whilst the timer record- ing is active and then switch back to standby, the timer recording will be cancelled; the timer setting will be deleted and the desired programme will not be recorded.


Some programmes are broadcast in two or more lan- guages simultaneously. The language heard can be selected from the Language Menu.

• Press the button to display the Main Menu and use

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Contents L47VP01U Contents Page Do’s and Don’ts Safety PrecautionsSymbols. If Identifiable by eitherReplacement Parts Power SourcePower Cord CleaningPage Accessories FeaturesPC Audio Inputs Scart 2 AV-2 Headphone Audio Line OutCI Slot Subwoofer Output Scart 1 AV-1= Picture mode Remote Control Buttons= Teletext On-Off Preparation Before Switching On Your TVTo switch the TV off Switching The TV ON/OFFInitial Settings To switch the TV onOperation with the buttons on the TV Operation with Remote ControlBasic Operations Everyday OperationDisplaying The Subtitles Electronic Programme Guide EPGWidescreen Idtv Menu SystemDigital Teletext Over Air DownloadAdding locks to channels Navigating the whole channel listDeleting the channels in the channel list Renaming channelsOn Screen Help Pressing Info Button Setting FavouritesConfiguration Be upgraded*%+#&!automatic&!#$%and manual Display the Main Menu by pressing the button TimersTo set an event, highlight its mode button using LanguageBe resumed by pressing the button TV SetupCommon Interface Or button to highlight the Language line and pressMenu System Dynamic Bass Sound ModeSleep Timer EffectMenu Background Default ZoomMenu Timeout Blue BackgroundSource menu Install menu in AV modesS. Auto Programming System Country Installation PC ModeMenu System in PC mode Other Features Cinema TeletextPanoramic ZoomConnect Peripheral Equipment Aerial Connection Tips 266*% Page Signal Input SpecificationsAppendix a PC Input Typical Display Modes UHTXHQF\176 Appendix B AV and Hdmi Signal Compatibility3E3U 176 $57Appendix D Source Menu Selction Thank you for purchasing this Hitachi Television UK Guarantee Your Guarantee of ExcellenceQuick Guide Or through a Hdmi and Ypbpr products DVD-RW Connect the TV plug to the mains socket Important note before starting Auto Setup Fax 089 991 80 Fax 93 491 Hotline 0180 551 25 51 12ct/min Tel 210Tel 0870 405 Fax 210 Tel 089-991