1.Press DVD. Preview screens will appear.
2.Using the up and down arrows, select the recorded segment you would like to edit and press right arrow key. Use the up and down arrow key to select the edit you would to make:
a.Play title: this will playback you video clip
b.Edit title: use the down arrow key and press ENTER. Another dialog box will appear while playing back your video clip. Your selections are:
iv.Chapter Marker: press the right arrow and your selections are Insert Marker, Delete Marker and Delete All Markers. Inserting a marker adds chapters to your title. This allows you to skip/advance through your video clip.
v.Hide Chapter: as you create markers this function allows you to block chapters during playback. By pressing ENTER during playback of a Chapter you can Hide or Unhide Chapters.
vi.Index Picture: This function allows you to change the initial image for the video clip. Pressing the ENTER button while viewing the video clip set the index picture.
vii.Split Title: This function allows you to split the current chapter into two titles. Press ENTER at the point you are watching your video clip.
e.Rename Title: Using the down arrow button ENTER to select this option. It allows you to rename your chapter title. A dialog box will appear with a keyboard. You need to use the arrow keys and the ENTER button to make changes.
f.Erase title: Use the down arrow and press ENTER. A dialog box will appear that will allow you to delete the current video clip. YES to confirm deletion, NO to cancel.
g.Overwrite title: Use the arrow button and press ENTER. You will go to the last input source. Press the REC button. A dialog box will appear. Recoding to DVD will record over the existing video clip space on the DVD.
h.Overwrite disk: Use the arrow button and press ENTER. You will go to the last input source. Press the REC button. A dialog box will appear. Recoding to DVD will record over the entire DVD disk.
i.Append title: Use the arrow button and press ENTER. You will go to the last input source. Press the REC button. A dialog box will appear. Recording to DVD will add to the current video clip.
j.Copy: Use the arrow button and press ENTER. This will copy the current video clip to the HDD.