Daewoo DLT-46U1FH, DLT-42U1/G1FH, DLT-46U1HZ Do not put any object that Containswater-forexample

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This section must be read carefully and followed by the user prior to the operation of the product.

The manual states important instructions for the user’s own safety,and the proper operation of the product.

Ignoringordisregardingthecontentsofthissectionandim- WARNING proper operation of the product may result in the person’s

death or serious injury.

In case of an accident,please unplug the unit from the outlet immediately.

Toreducetheriskofelectric shock,donotremovecoveror back.Nouser-serviceableparts inside.Refertoqualifiedserv- icepersonnelforrepair.

Topreventfireanddamages to the product,unplug the unitfromtheoutletduringa lightningstorm,orwhenitis leftunattendedandunused for a long period of time

Slotsandopeningsinthecaseare providedforventilationtoensure reliableoperationoftheproduct. Neverputinanyitems-suchascoins, paper,matches-throughthese openingsastheymaytouchdan- gerousvoltagepointsthatcould resultinfireorshockhazard.

Holdtheplugwhenunplug- gingtheunitfromtheoutlet. Theleadmaycausefireorelec- tricshockifdamaged.

Donotputvolatilesubstance- such as benzene,naphtha- near the product since it may cause a change in the product’scolour.

Do not put any object that


avase,flowerpot,etc.-nearto theunit.Thewatermaypen- etrate into the unit,and be

acauseoffireorhazardous electricshock.

Donotputonorusetheprod- uctnearwaterandmoisture- suchasinabathroom,wash- bowl,etc.Itmaycausefireand electricshockhazards

Donotletchildrenhangonto orclimbontheproductsinceit maycauseseriousinjury.

Donotcausetheproductto leanorputitinanunstable positonbecauseifitfallsitmay causeseriousinjurytoaper- son,aswellasdamagetothe productifitfalls.

Donotspillwaterordropthe remotecontrollsinceitmay causeamalfunction.


Image 5
Contents LCD Television Risk of Electric Shock Do not Open Safeguards Damage Requiring Service Power LinesReplacement Parts Safety CheckDo not put any object that Containswater-forexample Page Table of contents Supplied Accessories Indoor Antenna Connection Antenna ConnectionCTV Antenna Connection UHF Antenna Outdoor Antenna ConnectionSeparate Antenna Connection VHF Antenna Video Connection Connecting with an External SourceConnecting with Scartvideo Watching a Camcorder Recording onTV or playing aVideo Game Camcorder &Video Game ConnectionDVD player connection When connecting with a component cable or Euro Scart cableWhen connecting with a S-VHS cable and RCA cable Connection When connecting with a Scart cablePC Connection When connecting with PCD-Sub cableWhen connecting with a Hdmi cable PCD-Sub Component Standard Multi input resolution available in Lcdtv 100HzAntenna Input Connection CableTV Broadcasting ConnectionExternal Input Connection Source Connect with Front Panel DLT-42U1 / DLT-46U1 / DLT-42U2 Name of Each Part② Menu Button Use this button to enter and exit the Menu Front / Side Panel DLT-42G1Rear Panel Side and Rear PanelRecall The present modesTV,Video,Component,PC and Sig- nal Parts Remote ControllerInserting Batteries into the Remote Control Unit Parts of the Remote ControllerBasic Menu MethodTo Use Basic MenuTo checkTV operation status ToWatchTVOn/Off,Number,Mute,Recall Power AutoTuning Setting UpTV StationsSelect theAutoTuning Select the country you require with the/but- tonManual tuning Searching for channels in the Setup menu SetupEdit When watching video,Camcorder,DVD,CableTV with AV Selection of AV Multimedia Input SignalHdmi & PC mode When connecting PC,STB,DVD with MultimediaWhen setting up various screen modes Screen AdjustmentYou can adjust all items by pressing the /but- ton When adjusting the screen to tasteSelect and adjust each item Move to the Picture menu Adjustment of Screen Size inTV and AV mode Adjustment of the screen in the PC mode Main/Sub PIP & POP modeWhen selecting various sound modes Sound AdjustmentSound mode selects what you want Sound status changes as follows/button When adjusting sound to tasteButton on the Remote Control Mono Sound Selection Multi-Sound and StereoSelection of Language Selection of LanguageLanguage changes as follows Russian Bulgarian Czech,Russian,Bulgarian and DanishIt is a convenient method to wake you up in the morn- ing Adjustment ofTimeAdjustment ofTime Set will turn off after the time you select Ing settingsOther Functions AnalogueTeletext TeletextPress theTEXTbutton Pressing theS-CODEbutton , - - appearsDVB menu Symbols descriptionDVB Menu About the information on the bannerITV Channel five Channel ListYes Favourites Select each sub-menus GuidesNow / Next EPG Timeline Schedule EPG List Schedule EPGStart End Date 18/07/2005 Mode weekly TimersConfiguration SettingsSelect each sub-menu Change Banner time Off 1 sec 2sec 4sec 8secLanguage InstallationZcas Common InterfaceSymptoms and Solutions TroubleshootingSymptom Check items PC modeNo SIGNALap Appears on Optimum condition for Lcdtv ScreenDLT-42U1/G1FH DLT-46U1FH Standard of Product