This section must be read carefully and followed by the user prior to the operation of the product.
The manual states important instructions for the user’s own safety,and the proper operation of the product.
Ignoring or disregarding the contents of this section and CAUTION improper operation of the product may result in the per-
son’s death or serious injury.
Please keep the user’s manual in a safe place for future reference.
DonotviewtheTVtooclose- lysinceitmaycausedamage toyoureyes.
Donotcoverthetopofthetel- evisionset.Ventilationwillbe prevented,anditmaycausea fireiftheproductisinternal- lyoverheated.
Do not put heavy items on thepowerleadsinceitmay result in a fire or hazardous electric shock if the lead is damaged.
Unplugthepowerfromthe outletandalltherelatedcon- nectionsfromtheunittopre-
TV from falling and conse- quently,any serious injury ordamage.
Refer servicing to qualified servicepersonnelforclean- ingatleastonceayearsince dustinsidetheTVsetmayre- sultinafireormalfunctionof theproduct.
Theproductshouldbesituat- edawayfromanyheatsource- suchasradiators,heatregis- ters,stoves,orotherproducts thatproduceheat.
Please be aware of electric wires and cables when in- stalling the antenna.It may beacauseofhazardouselec- tric shock and fire if the an- tennatouchesorfallsonthe electricwire;thus,itmustbe installedfirmly,andfaraway fromthecables.
Donottouchthepowerlead withmoisturisedorwethands whenpluggingtoorunplug- gingfromtheoutletsinceitmay causeanelectricshock.
Donotexposetheproductto adustyormoisturisedplace sinceitmaycausemalfunc- tion.