Motorola V300 manual Use While Driving, Operational Warnings, For Vehicles With an Air Bag

Page 8

T-Mobile Page 8 Tuesday, September 30, 2003 3:01 PM

Other Medical Devices

If you use any other personal medical device, consult the manufacturer of your device to determine if it is adequately shielded from RF energy.Your GP may be able to assist you in obtaining this information.

Use While Driving

Check the laws and regulations on the use of phones in the area where you drive. Always obey them.

When using your phone while driving, please:

Give full attention to driving and to the road.

Use hands-free operation, if available.

Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving conditions so require.

Operational Warnings

For Vehicles With an Air Bag

Do not place a phone in the area over an air bag or in the air bag deployment area. Air bags inflate with great force. If a phone is placed in the air bag deployment area and the air bag inflates, the phone may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to occupants of the vehicle.

Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

Turn off your phone prior to entering any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, unless it is a phone type especially qualified for use in such areas and certified as “Intrinsically Safe.” Do not remove, install, or charge batteries in such areas. Sparks in a potentially explosive atmosphere can cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.

8 — Safety and General Information

Image 8
Contents Welcome Send Key0XOWLPHGLD &DPHUD Feature DescriptionCheck It Out 0HVVDJHV &UHDWH 0HVVDJH 1HZ 0XOWLPHGLD 0VJ 0HVVDJHV &UHDWH 0HVVDJH 1HZ /HWWHUMotorola, Inc Software Copyright NoticeSafety and General Information Operational PrecautionsExposure To Radio Frequency RF Energy External Antenna CareApproved Accessories RF Energy Interference/CompatibilityPhone Operation Body-Worn OperationMedical Devices FacilitiesAircraft Use While Driving Operational WarningsFor Vehicles With an Air Bag Potentially Explosive AtmospheresBlasting Caps and Areas BatteriesSeizures/Blackouts Repetitive Motion Injuries 0168 Contents Getting Started Installing the SIM CardOptional Accessories Mobile Page 15 Tuesday, September 30, 2003 301 PM Installing the Battery Charging the Battery ActionHighlight Features Find the FeatureTaking and Sending a Photo AreaPress $3785 +6725 + $SSO\ DV 6FUHHQ 6DYHUSending a Multimedia Message Option DescriptionEnter slide text Open the 006 0HQX9LGHR 1657 ++$1* + 526 +Receiving a Multimedia Message $ +Mobile Page 23 Tuesday, September 30, 2003 301 PM Setting Up Your Phone Setting a Wallpaper Image6HWWLQJV 3HUVRQDOLVH DoosdshuSetting a Screen Saver Image 6FUHHQ 6DYHURqwudvw Setting Display ContrastSetting Display Colour Adjusting the Backlight DfnoljkwAccess T-Mobile Content ZonesZones Rzqordgv 3LFWXUHV 6RXQGV 0RWRPLHU 7KHPHVWjdphv DPH3LFWXUHV 3LFWXUH Wpxvlf0HGLD$OEXP 6HOHFWHGSLFWXUHBrowser Information News and EntertainmentFeature Description Launch Game Or ApplicationManage PicturesSpecific Absorption Rate Data Specific Absorption Rate DataVariations in m easurem ents Camera Self portrait Settings IndexKeypad backlight Left soft key functions Taking 18 picture 9mWHMWH Xqnfh 3RSLV 0XOWLPpGLD ! 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