Motorola V300 manual Variations in m easurem ents

Page 35

T-Mobile Page 35 Tuesday, September 30, 2003 3:01 PM

While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the governmental requirements for safe exposure. Please note that modifications to this product model could cause differences in the SAR value for later products; in all cases, products are designed to be within the guidelines.


The SAR limit recom m ended by international guidelines (ICNIRP) for m obile phones used by the


public is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W /kg) averaged over ten gram s of tissue. The li mit incorporates a


substantial m argin for safety to give additional protection for the public and to account for any


variations in m easurem ents.


CENELEC is a European Union standards body.


Additional related inform ation includes the M otorola testing protocol, assessm ent procedure, and


m easurem ent uncertainty range for this product.

Specific Absorption Rate Data — 35

Image 35
Contents Send Key Welcome0XOWLPHGLD &DPHUD Feature DescriptionCheck It Out 0HVVDJHV &UHDWH 0HVVDJH 1HZ /HWWHU 0HVVDJHV &UHDWH 0HVVDJH 1HZ 0XOWLPHGLD 0VJSoftware Copyright Notice Motorola, IncExternal Antenna Care Safety and General InformationOperational Precautions Exposure To Radio Frequency RF EnergyBody-Worn Operation Approved AccessoriesRF Energy Interference/Compatibility Phone OperationMedical Devices FacilitiesAircraft Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Use While DrivingOperational Warnings For Vehicles With an Air BagBatteries Blasting Caps and AreasSeizures/Blackouts Repetitive Motion Injuries 0168 Contents Getting Started Installing the SIM CardOptional Accessories Mobile Page 15 Tuesday, September 30, 2003 301 PM Installing the Battery Action Charging the BatteryArea Highlight FeaturesFind the Feature Taking and Sending a Photo$SSO\ DV 6FUHHQ 6DYHU Press$3785 + 6725 +Open the 006 0HQX Sending a Multimedia MessageOption Description Enter slide text526 + 9LGHR1657 + +$1* +$ + Receiving a Multimedia MessageMobile Page 23 Tuesday, September 30, 2003 301 PM Doosdshu Setting Up Your PhoneSetting a Wallpaper Image 6HWWLQJV 3HUVRQDOLVH6FUHHQ 6DYHU Setting a Screen Saver ImageRqwudvw Setting Display ContrastSetting Display Colour Dfnoljkw Adjusting the BacklightZones Access T-Mobile ContentZones DPH Rzqordgv3LFWXUHV 6RXQGV 0RWRPLHU 7KHPHV Wjdphv6HOHFWHGSLFWXUH 3LFWXUHV3LFWXUH Wpxvlf 0HGLD$OEXPNews and Entertainment Browser InformationPictures Feature Description Launch GameOr Application ManageSpecific Absorption Rate Data Specific Absorption Rate DataVariations in m easurem ents Index Camera Self portrait SettingsKeypad backlight Left soft key functions Taking 18 picture 9mWHMWH 0XOWLPpGLD ! 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