INDEX – continued
INDEX – continued
Jump Ahead button 38, 44
keyboard Arrow keys 5
FORWARD key 37, 43 GOTO key 74 GUIDE key 13, 18 INFO key 11
Instant Replay key 42
MENU·OPTIONS key 45, 53
PAUSE key 37, 40 PLAY key 37, 41 RETURN key 5 REVERSE key 37, 42 SKIP key 38, 44 TV·WEB button 70
letterbox format 12 live TV, watching 45 lock symbol 10, 12 Locks & Limits 12,
mail. See
MENU·OPTIONS button or key 45, 53 TV Options panel 45, 53
Web Options panel 73, 74 My Shows
navigating on screen 5
OK button or key, selecting items using 5
padlock symbol 10, 12 Page Builder
live TV program 40
recorded program that is playing 37, 40 Pay Per View programs
setting spending limit for 21 viewing list of programs ordered 28
Picture-In-Picture. See PIP; TV window PIP 46-49
changing channel in PIP window 47 displaying PIP window from a Web site 77 displaying PIP window while watching
TV 46
hiding PIP window 49
switching between PIP and
viewing program information for PIP window 48
PLAY button or key 37, 41 postmark symbol 10, 12
Program Guide. See DIRECTV Advanced Program Guide™
Program Info screen 11 setting TV reminders
program information channel banner 10 displaying
ratings 21
features overview
upgrades 3, 93
receiver. See
currently showing program 29 erasing recorded programs 38
pausing program when playing back 37, 40
pausing when playing back 37, 40 programs that will be on later
to receiver
viewing information about recorded program 37
watching recorded programs
remote control Arrow buttons 5 CH CTRL button 47 CLEAR button 9 FORWARD button 37, 43 GUIDE button 13, 18 INFO button 11
Instant Replay button 42 Jump Ahead button 38, 44 MENU·OPTIONS button 45, 53 OK button 5
PAUSE button 37, 40 PLAY button 37, 41
REVERSE button 37, 42 TV·WEB button 70
restricting access to selected programming
RETURN key, selecting items using 5 REVERSE button or key 37, 42
Search TV screen
creating lists of favorite channels
for TV programs
secondary audio 12 selecting items on screen 5 selection box 5
Settings screen Hooking Up
Locks & Limits 12,
slow motion 44
spelling errors, correcting in
browsing in Guide 14 changing 10 channel banner 10 creating list of favorite
displaying frequently viewed channels in Guide
restricting access to
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