Tube Reliability:
It's interesting to note that until the 1960's, tubes were used in every area of electronics including aviation. When people flew on a commercial airliner, they literally trusted their lives on
Butler's design has reduced the electronic stress on the tubes to less than 5% of rated value and NO dangerously high voltages are needed for operation. Therefore, heat production from the tubes is minimal. BK Butler has been a pioneer in the use of
What this means to you is that the tubes installed in your new Butler amplifier should last as long as the other high quality electronic components in the design. No special tube care, replacement, matching, biasing or maintenance is usually necessary. In the unlikely event a tube becomes faulty,* each tube is connected to the power module via a
Finally, the most likely reason you invested in your new Butler Audio amplifier was to enjoy the sonic superiority vacuum tubes create. Please enjoy this revolutionary design BK Butler worked so long to produce. We're confident you'll have many
- Everyone at Butler Audio, Inc
*The only external visual check possible by the customer is to look through the front panel louvers for the 2 glowing orange/red tips at the top of each tube during operation. The blue illumination should continue, but if a particular channel becomes inoperative and its tube has no glowing filament tips, that tube is likely defective and should be replaced.