Watching movies with Netflix
Preparing Instant Queue
To play streaming video via Netflix service, Netflix service, you must have an appropriate Netflix subscription and the player needs to be registered for Netflix service. See previous section for details on how to activate.
Now you can view Netflix streaming video.
After having activated Netflix player and prepared Instant Queue, movies and TV episodes in your Instant Queue appear on the TV screen. Select your desired one using the remote control of the player. You can control Netflix streaming video with the following buttons of the remote control of this player:
| (Play) | To start playing movie. |
| To pause playback while in PLAY mode. |
| (Stop) | To stop playing and return to a list of |
| ||
| movie titles. |
| (Pause) | To pause playing movie. |
| ||
| To start playing while in PAUSE mode. |
| (Right) | To pause playing and open a list of |
| scenes. Pressing further proceeds to |
| the next scene. |
| (Left) | To pause playing and open a list of |
| scenes. Pressing further proceeds to |
| the previous scene. |
| (Up) | To stop playing and return to a list of |
| movie titles. |
| (FWD) | To pause playing and open a list of |
| scenes. Fast forward play starts. |
| (REV) | To pause playing and open a list of |
| scenes. Fast reverse play starts. |
OK | Allows you to enter or exit “trick play | |
| mode”. Trick Play mode allows you |
| to skip to a specific scene in a movie |
| quickly |
Resolution of video streamed from Netflix varies depending on communication speed or bitrate of each content, etc.
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