Playing Video CDs
Selecting a Specific Track
1.Press INFO on the remote to brirlg up the lnfo Disp[a,,.
2.t'st.' the arrow I)uttons on the tcmotc to highlight the 7)'ack icon from the Inl(i I)isplay
3t s,.., the nunabcr button(s) on the remote to c'nter the tlack nttllll_er y(_u want t(, play. (+r tt_,t++
the t.lpidown ano\\' bt.]ttc)ns t¢) sen)l] tlu'ougl+_ the track mLmb,+'rs. When a t++L*\\"track nunlbLr is
entered, that track ,.,,'ill hcgin pktying.
Selecting a Specific Index
I.F'rcss INFO on the remote to hring up the h'tfo I)ispla_,
2Highlight the Dtd+.,.vicota from the Info I)isphty
3+ Use the ntlnql3cr ])utton(s) on the remote to enter t11¢+_ indt_'x nt.lnll3_q you \\anl to pla\ (>1+LISt+_
the up/d,)v,,n arrow buttons to scroll through tilt' index numbers. XXhc'n ant+\,+ index i+mmbt_,r is entered, that index will begin playing
The Repeat Feature
You can tell the player to repeat the entire disc, a track, or an index. The default mode for the Repeat feature is Off. There are three Repeat options:
Disc - repeats the disc that is playing
Track repeats the track that is playing
•Index - repeats the index that is playing
1"o Use Repeat:
1.While a disc is playing, press 1NFO on the remote to bring up the ]nfo Display,
2.Highlight the Repeat icon. The text in the text box below the icons will read Repeat Mode. Q/S
3.Press the up/down arrow buttons to scroll through the Repeat options until the Repeat option you want is displayed in the text box.
4.The selected repeat option will begin immediately and loop continually until you turn Repeat off. Repeat is turned off by completing steps 1 through 3 ahove, and selecting the Off option.
How to Cancel Repeat
There are three ways to cancel Repeat:
•Press STOP twice.
•Go to the Repeat icon in the Info Display and select Off
•Eject the disc.
Your repeat settings are erased each time you remove a Video _7) /i+om the plarer
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