Adjusts volume level of right and left speakers
Adjusts the volume level of the headphones
G ivesa greaterspatial effect by using dynamicenhancer(Off/ On) *Switchingis also possibleby SURROUND buttonon the remote
C hooses according to the signalwhen HDMI is connected (AutoI Digital/Analogue)
0 HDM12terminalis for digitalsignalonly.
P ressthe OK buttonto resetthe present Sound Menu to the default setfings.
V IERALink function(Off I On) (page 18)
Teletext displaymode (FASTEXTI List)
Sets the time the unitautomaticallyturns Off (Off/ 15 / 30 / 45160 1 75190)(minutes)
Child lock can be set for each channeland each AV mode
Image and sound are not availableduring Child lock On (Blackscreen will appear)
0 Select the channelor AV mode you want to lock and set this function.
B lue back display(Off/ On)
"On: Blue back displaywhen there are no signals
"Off: Blue back displayoff
Reproductionof irregularsignals, such as certain TV games and rental video tapes, may be improved. (Off/ On)
Edits or sets channels(page 16)
Displayed during AV mode. If a clearpicturewith currentcolours cannotbe obtained when a Broadcastor AV signalis received,this functionis used. (Auto I PAL / SECAM I NTSC 4.431 NTSC 3.58) PAL, SECAM and NTSC 3.58 are different colour signalbroadcast transmission systems applicableto different countries.NTSC 4.43 is a trickplaybackmode used in specialVCRs t6playbackNTSC
recordedvideo tapesthroughPALtelevisionequipment.
Displayed duringAV mode. Available only with 480p or 576p input signalsin a naturalcolour fromdigitalequipment connectedto AV2 Componentterminals.
Select SD or HD to adjustsuitablecolour parametersfor SD (Standard definition) or HD (High definition)
"SD: Input signalis a normalTV system.
"HD: Inputsignalis a
set the appropriate picture mode based on viewing environment.
"Home: Picture mode is set as "Standard" (for optimal picture/power consumptionfor home viewing.
"Shop: Picturemode is set as