Mains power On/Offswitch
Powerindicator Standby'.RED
Remotecontrol signalreceiver (Range:7 metres)
Store setting
FuncUon select
*Volume / Contrast / Brightness / Colour/ Sharpness /
Select programmenumberin sequence / When a functionis displayed, pressto increase or descreasethe selected function When in Standby mode, switches IV on
Change inputmode
C.A.T.S. (ContrastAutomaticTracldng System)sensor
* senses brightness to adjust picturequality when Picturemode is setto Eco.
SwitchesTV to On or Standby (Mainspowermust be on)
Select Aspect ratio
Confirmselected option Move cursor to make selectionor adjustment
Access Main menu
Turn on/offsurroundsound
Access Viera Unk menu
Display/hideprogramme information
Select programme
numberin squenoe
Changeinputmode TV - selectTV mode AV - selectAV mode
Exit Main menu
Return to previous menu
Multifunctional buttons Select Stereo/BlIngual sound
Access Option menu
Select programmenumber/ When in standbymode, switch TV on
Turn on/off sound mute
Adjust volume