P ause the live TV programmeand resume later (page 19)
Controlthe connectedDIGA recorderto startor stop recordingcurrent TV programme(page 19)
Controlsthe connectedPanasonic equipment
Easy controlonly with VIERAremote control"(page20) Speaker control"(page21)
*You can also accessVIERA Link Menu directly using the VIERA Link button on the remotecontrol.
B asic picture mode (Dynamic/ Standard / Cinema I Eco)
"Picturemode will be memorized fbr each TV, AV1, AV2, AV3, PC, HDMI1 and HDM112mode.
"C.A.TS is in effect when picture mode is set to Eco.
Contrast, | Adjustscolour, bilightness, etc. for each picture mode to suit yourtaste |
Adjust tint of image
"For NTSC signalreception only.
"Item will be changed to TintWhen receivingYUV
Chooses the colourbalance of the entire image (Cool / Standard
C olourdensity varying between broadcastchannelscan be adjusted to three levels for each reception channel
0 Select the channelyou want to adjustand set this function.
Automaticallyreducesimage noise (Off/ Strong / Weak / Auto) * Set to Off when receivinga strongsignal.
If colour patterningis seen while watchingstillor slow moving pictures,
set this function to On to obtainsharper and more accurate colours
(Off / On)
Displayedonly when receivingPAL or NTSC_ signal. Not displayed during
Press the OK, < or > buttonto reset the present Picture Menu to the default setdngs.
Basic sound mode (Music / News / Cinema)
0Sound mode will be memorized for each TV,
Adjustthe equalizer for each sound mode.
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