Auto Tuning
3 | ■ [Wireless] |
| |
Select the connection type |
| •If your access point supports WPS (Push | ||
| Connection Type |
| select | ||
| ||||
| Please select network connection type. |
| ||
| confirm | button), then select this option. If not, |
| Search for access point |
| select [Search for access point]. | |
| WPS(Push button) |
■[Search for access point]
Access points found automatically are listed.
| 1 Select your desired access point |
| |||
| No. | SSID | Wireless type Encrypt Reception |
| ||||||
Available Access Points |
| •To search access points again | Y | |||||
| select | ||
| 2 | Access Point B | 11n(5GHz) |
| ||||
| 3 | Access Point C | 11n(5GHz) |
| |||
| 1 | Access Point A | 11n(2.4GHz) |
| ||
| access •For the information of the INFO |
| |
| ||||
| ||||
| highlighted access point |
| •To set manually (p. 63) R |
Encryption Key Setting |
| 2 Access the encryption key input mode |
| |||||
| Connection will be made with the following settings:- |
| ||||
| SSID : Access Point A |
| |
| Authentication type : |
| ||||
| Encryption type : TKIP |
| |
| Please input the encryption key. |
| •If the selected access point is not encrypted, the confirmation | ||||||||
| |||||
| screen will be displayed. It is recommended to select the | |||||
| Encryption key |
| ||||||
| |||||||
| encrypted access point. |
Access Point Settings
Encryption key
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ! | : | # |
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t |
u | v | w | x | y | z | ( | ) | + | - | . | * | _ |
Access Point Settings
Encryption key is set to:-
Select ‘Yes’ to confirm.
Select ‘No’ to change.
■[WPS(Push button)]
WPS(Push button)
1)Pleasepresspressthethe‘WPS’‘WPS’buttonbuttontheon theaccessaccess point until its lightt flashesshes. .
2)Whenthelightisisflashingselectselect‘Connect’‘Connect’ on TV. TV.
If youareunsure,pleasecheckcheckthetheinstruction manualoftheacaccesspointpoint. .
3 Enter the encryption key of the access point (Set characters one by one)
select | RETURN |
Store | |
set |
•You can set characters by using numeric buttons.
4 Select [Yes]
•To re-enter the encryption key, select [No].
•If the connection has failed, check the encryption key, settings and positions of your access point. And then, follow the on screen instructions.
Press the WPS button on the access point until the light flashes. And then, press the OK button to connect the Wireless LAN Adaptor and the access point.
•Ensure that your access point supports WPS for this method.
Perform the connection test after the access point setting is finished
Connection Test
Check access point connection.
Check acquired IP address.
Check for devices using same IP address.
Check gateway connection.
Check server connection.
: succeeded
The test is successful and the TV is connected to the network.
: failed
Check the settings and connections, and then select [Retry].
•To set manually, select [Manual] and set each item. For details (p. 63)
4Complete the network connection
(Press twice)