Initial Setup (continued)
12 Complete all the remaining input settings.
You will be asked to provide information about all the remaining devices that you have connected to the Hard Disk Recorder.
•Once you get the hang of the first screen, you should be able to complete the following screens on your own.
•See “Input Options” on page 21 for information on the choice on each configuration.
Once you have completed all of the setup screens, you will see the Setup Summary screen. This screen allows you to make changes if necessary.
13 To change a setting...
a. Press / to select the option, then press PLAY to display the screen that you want to change.
b. After your change is finished, press PLAY to finish the setup.
If you do not want to make any changes...
Press /
to select “Keep all settings,” then press PLAY to move to the next screen.
The Hard Disk Recorder connects to the ReplayTV Service to complete the setup. This connection lasts approximately 20 minutes, during which the Hard Disk Recorder receives channel and program information for your local area.
Once the connection is completed, you will be able to use the Hard Disk Recorder.
14 Press PLAY to begin using the Hard Disk Recorder.
•To select shows to watch from an
•The Replay Guide is an on- screen collection of all the shows you record. There aren’t any recorded shows now. Though, you can watch an instructional video by going to the Replay Guide. Press REPLAY GUIDE.
Changing Your Setup Later On
If you move, add another telephone service, change video equipment, or do something else that requires updating the information you provided during first- time setup, you may change the information at any time.
1. Press MENU.
2. Select “Setup” from the Main Menu.
3. Select “Change Dialing & Input
Settings” from the Setup screen.
4. Select an option to change by pressing /
•The internal Hard Disk Recorder clock is set during the initial connection to the ReplayTV Service to ensure that the shows you choose to record are recorded completely.
PanaHDR | 20 | 00/12/01, 16:37 |