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RDS is a system which transmits useful information (digital
data1 for FM broadcasts together with the broadcast signal. Tuners and receivers designed for RDS reception can extract
the information from the broadcast signal for use with
various functions such as automatic display of the station name.
Functions made possible with RDS
PS (Program Service Name) Display :
When an RDS broadcast IS received, the statlon name IS automatlcally dlsplayed.
PTY (Program Type Identification) Search :
The tuner automatlcally searches for a statlon which IS currently broadcastlng a speclfled program type (genre).
CT (Clock Time) :
Decodes the real time clock from the FM frequency
RT (Radio text) :
Displavs the radio text data transmitted bv some RDS staiio& when you select the RT mode
Usina the RDS Disolav function
, I
ElSelect the FM broadcast station
H Press the RDSkey
RDS” b
Each press switches the display mode as follows.
1 PS NAME display
iPTY display
3‘ CT display
‘7 RT display
5 Current FM frequency display
lIf the PS information IS being received, the PS name (BBC,
AFO, NDR, etc.) is shown on the display.
lIf the PS information is not received, the original FM fre- quency IS shown.
lEven though no RDS key is pressed, the reception of PS information ensues the PS name IS displayed.
CT display
lIf the CT information WIIItake up to 2 minutes to be decoded therefore the clock is not displayed immediately.
lIf the CT information is not received, the “NO CT” is shown on the display.
lThe CT clock does not update the system clock.
RT display
lText data accompanying the RDS broadcast scrolls across the display (64 characters can be displayed).
tScrolled display
lIf the RT information IS not received, the “NO RT” is shown on the display.