Other Functions
Quick program view
Press to jump back and forth between two channels. The TV alternates between the current channel and the last channel that was selected.
1.Suppose the channel numberyou used just now is 8 and the channel number you are using is 18 (as shown in the figure).
2.If you want to return to the last watched program channel 8, you can simply press RECALL button.
3.If you want to return to channel 18, press the button again.
CC (Closed Caption Display)
Closed Captions
Closed captioning is a process which converts the audio portion of atetevision program into written words which then appearas subtitles on the television screen. Closed captions allow viewers to read the dialogue and narration of television programs.
Using Closed Captions
Captions are the subtitles of the dialogue and narration of television programs. For prerecorded programs, program dialogue can bearranged into captionsin advance. Its possible to caption a live program by using a process called
system forthe
In ATV mode CCD function allows you to configure the way
you choose toview the digitalcaptioning (Off, CCl, CC2, CC3, CC4, Text1, Text2, Text3 or Text4).
The term for the words that scroll across the bottom of the TV screen; usually the audio portion of the program provided forthe hearing impaired.
The term for the words that appear in a large black frame
and almost cover the entire screen; usually messages provided by the broadcaster.
In DTVmode allows you to configure the wayyou choose to view the digital captioning(Off, service1 ,service2,
service3,service4, service5 orservice6).
Select one of the digital service channels made available by the caption provider.
There are 6 standard services. Service 1 is designated as the Primary Caption Service. This service contains the
verbatim, or
language being spoken in the accompanying program audio. Service 2 is designated as the Secondary Language Service. This service contains captions in a secondary language which are translations of the captions in the primary Caption Service. The other service subchannels are not
caption provider toutilize the remainingservice channels.
Owner's Manual 31