Connecting a computer
1.To getthe bestpicture quality, adjustthe VGAgraphics card to 1024x768.
2.Usethe TV'sVGAor DVI (Digital Visual lnterface)Audio IN port foraudio connections, depending on your computer connector.
II If the graphic card on the computer does not output analog and digital RGBsimultaneousty, connect only one of either VGAIN or HDMI IN todisplay the VGAon theTV.
!11If the graphic card on the computer does output analog and digital RGB simultaneously, set the TVto eitherVGAor
HDMI ; (theother mode isset to Ptugand Play automaticallyby theTV.)
3. Then, makethecorresponding audioconnection. Ifusing asound card,adjust the VGA sound as required.
l.Turnon the computerand theTV.
2. UselNPUTonthe remotecontrottoselectVGAor HDMIsource.
3.Check the image on your TV. There may be noise associated with the resolution, vertical pattern, contrast or
brightness in VGAmode. If noiseis present, changethe VGAmode to anotherresolution, change therefresh rate to
another rate oradjust the brightnessand contrast onthe menu untilthe picture isclear. Ifthe refresh rateof the VGA
graphic card can notbe changed, changetheVGAgraphiccardorconsuttthemanufactureroftheVGAgraphiccard.
1.UseaDVl cable.
2.Avoid keepinga fixed imageon theTV's screen fora long periodof time.The fixed image may becomepermanently imprinted onthescreen.
3. Thesynchronization inputform forHorizontal andVerticatfrequencies isseparate.
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Owner's Manual 13