Using the Internet
•By connecting your TV to a broadband system, you can access the Internet from the TV.
Display the "Sidebar Widget" on the screen to check out the latest Internet information and access a range of useful information for AQUOS users from the original home page*.
•About the original home page
The original home page is a website set up specifically for AQUOS owners.
The website is worth visiting as it provides a range of useful information, including tips on using your AQUOS and a frequently asked questions section.
[] Connecting to the Internet
To connect your TV to the Internet, you must have a broadband Internet connection.
Use an ETHERNET cable (commercially available) to connect the ETHERNET terminal on the TV to your broadband router (commercially available).
If you do not have a broadband Internet connection, consult the store where you purchased your TV or ask your Internet service provider or telephone company.
commercially available)
[] Checking your Internet
Press NET twice or three times to switch to the TV+Web or Web screen. When the original home page appears, now you are connected to the Internet.
If you have failed to connect to the Internet in the above operation, then an error message will appear. In this case, press EXIT to return to the normal TV screen and check the relevant settings (see page 47).
If you still cannot connect to the Internet, please consult your Internet service provider or telephone company.
[] Information on the PLC adapter
The SHARP PLC adapter kit (sold separately) lets you use the existing electrical wiring in your house to create a
Up to four devices can be connected to the
HN-VA401SU 4+I
home network. .1
Simply plug the adapters into electrical outlets at the desired locations, and then connect your computer and other devices to the adapters with LAN cables (two LAN cables are provided).
If you have Broadband Internet service, connect your router to one of the adapters to allow all your network devices to access the Internet.
Data can be exchanged at speeds of up to 85 Mbps .2 on your network.
"1 : PLC does not have router function. To connect
to the Internet via network, Broadband Internet connection and related devices such as router etc
is required.
*2: The actual communication speed may be affected by power line conditions, other electrical appliances and network conditions.
Q- 46