Please choose the city you are in or closest to. Once you do that, the below menu will appear and the dish will start to move automatically. Note: Pressing the #1 button at this time will open up the receivers Signal Strength Menu and allow you to monitor the satellite finding and peaking process.
Searching Menu
Once the dish has found satellite, the MotoSAT screens will disappear, and you will be watching TV.
When you’re watching TV and you hit the “Power Off” button on your Satellite Receiver, the first screen that will appear will be this Power Button Menu. Here you have the option to move your dish to a different satellite, Stow your Dish, or to go to the Main Menu screen or simply exit.
Notice that you have the option to PEAK on your current satellite. This is used for when your rig has settled, or the dish has moved slightly and you want to
If you turn your receiver OFF and the Main Menu Screen does not appear, press the Menu button to acquire.
Pressing the Menu button, with any other screen showing, will bring you back to the Main Menu Screen.