JVC AV-28ED5BN, AV-28ED5SN manual To use T-V Link functions, Downloading data to VCR

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The AUTOSTORE menu does not appear when your TV has been turned on once. In this case, use the “LANGUAGE”, “COUNTRY” and “AUTOSTORE” items in the INSTALL menu to make the initial settings. For details, see “Install (Installation) Menu” on page 24.

If you want to do the initial settings later, press PICTURE button to turn the menu off.

1.Press " " or " " button to select "LANGUAGE"

item. Then press the “” or “” button to enter the "LAN- GUAGE" sub-menu.

2.Press " " or " " button to select a language. Then press the “” or “” button to store it.

3.Press the MENU button to return to the AUTOSTORE menu.

4.Press " " or " " button to select "COUNTRY" item. Then press the “” or “” button to enter the "COUNTRY" sub-menu.

5. Press " " or " " button to select the country where you are now located. Then press the “” or “” button to store it.

6. Press the MENU button to return to the AUTOSTORE menu.

7. Press “ ” or “ ” button to select “Continue” item. Then press “” button to start the AUTOSTORE function. The AUTOSTORE function automatically stores the re- ceived channels$15￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿:$3636$in,76WDWLRQ￿￿your,6,6￿￿￿5811,1*5811,1*￿￿￿TV's&KDQQHOprogramme￿￿￿￿￿￿￿3/(3/(1DPH$$6(6(numbers.


APS: Automatic Programming System

After the AUTOSTORE is finalized, “PROGRAM” menu ap- pears. You can delete a channel or change a programme

number. For L352*5details,￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿79GHOHWHFKDQJH￿/LQN$0see￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿“Program￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Menu” on page 26.

8.If you do not have a T-V LINK compatible VCR, press “PICTURE” button to exit the menu.

If you have a T-V LINK compatible VCR connected to the

EXT.2 terminal, press “” button to display “T-V LINK”

menu. Then follow the operating procedure “Downloading data to VCR” in the following “T-V LINK” section.

If a channel you want to view is not stored, store it using the TUNING menu. For details, see “Tuning Menu” on page 24.


When a T-V LINK compatible VCR is connected to the EXT.2 Terminal on the TV, it is easier to set up the VCR and to view videos. T-V LINK uses the following features:

To use T-V LINK functions:

A “T-V LINK compatible VCR” means a JVC video cassette recorder with the T-V LINK logo, or with one of the following logos. However, these VCRs may support some or all of the features described earlier. For details, see your VCR instruc- tion manual.

“Q-LINK” (a trademark of Panasonic Corporation) “Data Logic” (a trademark of Metz Corporation) “Easy Link” (a trademark of Phillips Corporation) “Megalogic” (a trademark of Grundig Corporation) “SMARTLINK” (a trademark of Sony Corporation)

Downloading data to VCR:

The VCR will automatically download the registered data on the TV channels from the TV. This means you do not need to set up the programme channels on your VCR manually.

The “T-V LINK” menu will be displayed when you press the

” button while “PROGRAM” menu is displayed, or when-

ever the “INSTALL” menu operations are performed.

Press “” button to start downloading data to VCR.

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Contents AV-28ED5BN AV-28ED5SN Contents Safety Precautions Remote Control Buttons Risk of Electric ShockControl Panel Buttons Antenna Connections Initial Settings Switching the TV ON/OFFBefore Switching on your TV PreparationTo use T-V Link functions Downloading data to VCROperating with the onset buttons Operating with Remote ControlMenu System Picture MenuSetting Volume Recalling Factory settingsTo change sound settings Sound MenuInstall Installation Menu DQG Using the Decoder EXT-2 function Program MenuFeature Menu Other Features TeletextTo Select Double Height Text To Select IndexSearching for a teletext page while watching TV To Reveal concealed InformationConnect the External Equipments Before connecting anything Specifications Dimensions +,016,216WxHxDmm HLJKW.JTips